






Did you know?

  1. China is one of the world's oldest and continuous cultures (over 5000 years old).
  2. China has 1.3 billion people and Mandarin Chinese is the official language.
  3. China has the world's second largest economy. Being able to speak Chinese and operate successfully in a Chinese cultural context will make you more competitive in the work place.
  4. China is one of the top 3 trading partners of the United States.
  5. Speaking Chinese is important for many careers such as International business,
  6. Marketing, International Affairs, etc.

    New: Minor in Chinese

    China has the world’s oldest continuous civilization with over 5000 years of history. The Chinese language is spoken by more than 1.3 billion people, the most widely spoken language in the world, and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. With China’s increasing cultural presence, economic power, and political influence on the world stage, proficiency in Chinese increases opportunities for student success in fields such as government, business, marketing, law, technology, international affairs, integrative medicine, education, industry, global studies, etc.

    The Chinese courses at Birmingham-Southern College are designed to help students acquire speaking, listening, reading, and writing/typing skills essential for communicative competence, acquaint students with an understanding of Chinese culture, and prepare them for the challenges in this increasingly interconnected and globalized world.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the Minor in Chinese, students will be able to:

    1. Communicate effectively in spoken and written Chinese on practical and social topics in daily situations.
    2. Comprehend and analyze authentic materials retrieved from the Internet with the help of dictionaries.
    3. Deliver formal presentations in Chinese on a variety of topics.
    4. Produce essays and analyze current issues in Chinese.
    5. Gain a basic understanding of Chinese culture and society.


    The minor in Chinese language requires the following courses (6 units):

    1. Five courses from

    CHN 101 Elementary Chinese I
    CHN102 Elementary Chinese II (Prerequisite: CHN 101)
    CHN 201 Intermediate Chinese I (Prerequisite: CHN 101, 102)
    CHN 202 Intermediate Chinese II (Prerequisite: CHN201)
    CHN 270 Conversational Chinese (Prerequisite: CHN201)
    CHN 290 Chinese for the Workplace (Prerequisite: CHN201, 202)

    1. One course from 300 level Chinese courses or above

    CHN 300 Advanced Conversational Chinese (Prerequisite: CHN270) 
    CHN 310 Reading Chinese Media (Prerequisite: CHN201, 202)

    More than half of the courses counting toward the minor must be taken at Birmingham-Southern College. Students may enroll in a 200-level course by passing the equivalent placement test and with the consent of the professor.

Check out: CIA’s World Fact Book

President Obama’s recent visit to China: The New York Times
Mark Zuckerberg addresses Chinese university in Mandarin: The Guardian

There are plenty of opportunities to study Chinese language and culture at Birmingham-Southern
  • With a full-time professor of Chinese on our faculty, 365英国上市官网 offers Mandarin language classes from Introductory Chinese, Intermediate Chinese, and upper-level Chinese courses that emphasize cultural awareness and four essential skills needed for communicative competence: listening, speaking, reading, and writing/typing. Combine your language study with a major or minor in Asian Studies, an interdisciplinary major that emphasizes the changing traditions of Asia—including the incredible economic growth—contemporary issues faced by Asian nations, and their relations with western nations. Or take history courses on ancient or modern China, philosophy courses on Confucianism and Daoism, or an economics class that follows products from Chinese factories to the shelves of Wal-Mart. Enjoy a growing Chinese cultural community on campus and in the Birmingham area. 365英国上市官网’s popular student group, Love Asia, hosts a Chinese New Year celebration each year, as well as other cultural events.

    Chinese Courses: CHN 101 Introductory Chinese I
    CHN 102 Introductory Chinese II
    CHN 201 Intermediate Chinese I
    CHN 202 Intermediate Chinese II
    CHN 270 Conversational Chinese
    CHN 290 Chinese for the Workplace
    CHN 295 Directed Reading
    CHN 310 Reading Chinese Media

    E-Term Course: Explorations of Qi (ch’i, ‘life-energy’)

    China-related Courses:
    AN 150 Introduction to Chinese Culture
    AN 323 Chinese Philosophies of Leadership and Strategy
    HI 181 East Asian Civilization I: Introduction to Chinese Civilization
    HI 282 (HON 282) Disputers of the Dao: Major Texts in the Confucian, Buddhist and Daoist Traditions in East Asia
    HI 283 Modern China
    PL 246 Asian Philosophies: from Atman to Zen
    PL 256 Confucianism and Daoism

    Chinese Language Table: Every Friday at 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. in the 365英国上市官网 Cafeteria

    Chinese Tutoring Hours: Every Wednesday night 7:00-8:00 in the 365英国上市官网 Library Study Room

    Chinese Movie Night: Thursday night (bi-weekly) 7:00 p.m. in the 365英国上市官网 Library Auditorium

    Student Organizations: Love Asia, Chinese Club

    Study Abroad & Internship: Herb and Ellie Sklenar Center for International Programs
Other offerings:

Other offerings:

  • Chinese Language Table every Friday at 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. in the 365英国上市官网 Cafeteria
  • Chinese Tutoring every Wednesday 7-8 p.m. in the Library Study Room
  • Chinese Movie Night every other Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Library Auditorium
  • Student Organizations: Love Asia


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